We have reached that time of the year where training routines have been clearly defined and training habits for both coaches and players are well established. Although this is extremely beneficial towards building consistency in the environment, it can also lead to potential boredom at training when everyone knows what to expect. This week we will look at some creative ways that coaches can change the environment, while still staying consistent with session objectives as they relate to playing style and principles.
In this week's MSC Breakdown below, we take a look at different ideas and how to introduce them. Please subscribe to our YouTube page if you enjoy it.
Here are the FREE dimensions and details for each exercise.
Games Based Competition
Four games are organized on the training pitch:
1v1 Match-Ups
Each player has a ball and line-up in alternate order
One player starts against a defender and looks to score in central goal
If defender wins the ball, they can score in wide goals in transition
After the attack, defenders leave the field, attackers become defender and a new player enters the field
Back-To-Goal Game
3v3 game played in a 20x20 area with goals central
Teams can score in any goal at any time
Coaches can add pass limit depending on preferences
End Zone Game
3v3 game played in a 20x30 yard area with two 5-yard End Zones
Team in possession is looking to get the ball into the opponent's End Zone either via a dribble or a pass
Four Goal Game
3v3 game played in a 20x20 yard area
Each team attacks two goals and defends two goals
Teams can score from anywhere on the pitch
Each game uses a 3v3 format
Games last for 3 minutes before players move to another activity
Technical Circuit
Three circuits are set-up around the training pitch
4-5 players organized in a Y-Shaped passing pattern with cones 10-yards apart
Players and ball are constantly moving
Add combinations to increase difficulty level
4-5 players organized at the base of the exercise with one ball each inside a 10x20 yard area
One player dribbles through cones and then looks to turn. and play into mini-goals
Encourage players to use both sides and both feet
When dribbler is at the final cone, next player goes
4-5 players are organized with a ball each around the penalty area and one player (target) without a ball at the top
First player passes to target player, who plays a give-and-go before shooting at goal
After the shot, the passer becomes the shooter and the shooter recovers at the back of the line
Coaches can alter right and left starting points
Each circuit will work for 3 minutes before rotating - six sets in total
Rondo Variation
Players are organized into two teams and three different possession games are set-up
4v2 Game
10x10 yard square
One point for every 5 successful passes
If defenders win possession they are looking to dribble out of the grid
6v3 Game
10x20 yard square
One point for every 6 successful passes
If defenders win possession they are looking to dribble out of the grid
5v4 Game
25-yard circle
One point for every 5 successful passes
If defenders win possession they can score in any of the mini-goals for two points
Each game will last for 3 minutes before rotating - six sets in total